Battle in East Sussex Town Guide

Selmes Family History

Hello Caroline
I have Selmes in my family history the oldest Samuel Selmes b.1717then his Simon b.1745 who married Sara Aylward and had 4children Philadelphia 1778
Simon 1781
Solomon 1797
Sabina 1793
Sabina married John Elford and had

3 responses to “Selmes Family History”

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    I’m researching my maternal line and am stuck at Solomon Selmes, who was born about 1797 in Mountfield, Sussex (just north of Hastings). He is the father of Spencer Selmes (born abt. 1819 in Mountfield) and the husband of Eliza Goodwin. I believe Solomon’s father may have been a Simon Selmes of Sedlescombe, but I can find no firm documentation. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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    Hello Faith

    Yes, you’re right, Solomon Selmes was the youngest son of Simon from Sedlescombe.
    Solomon was baptised at Whatlington on 6 April 1798. His parents were Simon Selmes and Sal (Sall/Sarah) Aylward who married on 7 February 1777 at Mountfield.

    I’ve got quite a lot of info for the Selmes name, particularly in East Sussex, so please feel free to contact me for further info.
    e-address cdlancaster at yahoo dot com

    Best wishes

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    How terrific to get your confirmation! I just uncovered the will of Simon Selmes, which likewise confirms that “Sarah” was known as “Sal.” I was previously confused by the two forenames, not knowing if I’d fallen upon the right spousal couple. The last line of the will says “proved at London, 28 January, 1824 before the judge by the oathed Sarah (in the will, written Sal Selmes) widow . . . ”

    According to the Criminal Registry, Solomon was tried and found guilty of “Riot” in Sussex, August 1, 1835. He was “discharged with sureties.” I’m a Canadian gal (whose mother is from England), and I’m not well schooled in Sussex history. My only association with possible riotous acts around this time is the Reform Bill of 1832. Would you happen to know what sort of riots may have been happening in Sussex at this time?

    I’m assuming that you’re a descendent of the Selmes line yourself. Such a fascinating bunch!

    Thanks again,

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