Trying to find info on James Brett born around 1788 in Battle, he was a Sawyer by trade. Children born St.Leonards on Sea were Richard,Esther,James,Hannah,and John between 1838/1847,who did he marry as refused to name her on censuses 1841-1871 None of his children were birth registered.
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2 responses to “James Brett”
Hello Ann
There is a birth registration for a Hannah Brett at Hastings district Sep q 1842.
Under the spelling Britt there are birth registrations at Hastings district for Esther Sep q 1839, James March q 1841 and John Sep q 1846.
Richard might have been born before 1 July 1837 and so would not have been registered.
There is a marriage for a James Brett (widower) to Mary Sticks at St Mary Magdalene, St Leonards on 22 August 1836. That might be them.
I have a couple of connections to Brett and Britt families and find it best to check both spellings as they can be misread and misheard.
I hope this is helpful.
Best wishes
Hello Ann
Following on from my earlier message – if James Brett’s wife was called Mary then she could be the Mary Brett who appears in the census at 1851 and 1861 as a married woman born c1805 in Sydenham, Kent. At 1851 she’s working as a cook at 42 Marina, St Leonards and at 1861 at 15 Grand Parade, Hastings.
There is a burial for a Mary Brett age 66 at Hastings Cemetery on 19 January 1871, and at the 1871 census James Brett’s marital status appears as widower (whereas previously it has been ‘married’.
Worth investigating.
Best wishes