I’m trying to track down all the cattle / horse troughs that were erected by an association called the Metropolitan Drinking
Fountain and Cattle Trough Association. Once such trough was erected in Battle in 1911 near the old market. It has probably been moved during roadworks etc. Does anyone know what became of it?
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3 responses to “Cattle Trough in Battle”
Maybe there are records somewhere in Battle Town Council’s archives?
I don’t remember it personally but I hear there was once a drinking trough on the “triangle” (what is now the roundabout near the library)
I would love to know where the cattle trough went to from the top of Battle near the Police Station It was a real feature and should never have gone from the town Does anywhere know where it is? It would be a lovely feature point filled with flowers As big a mystery as the loss of the Memorial in Hastings – these well known items should never leave the area – so much history here.
Ages old, so you may have the answer, but there is a drinking trough halfway up Caldbec Hill which fits with your description. I should think it was moved when the Market closed, rather than lose it completely.