Below are listings for bakeries in Battle and the surrounding area ...
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In Battle
01424 772 236
Ewhurst Green 5.7 miles from Battle
01580 831 271
Are your cookery skills more ‘Can’t Cook – Won’t Cook’ or Masterchef? Either way, a short break combining cookery instruction with the glorious surrounds of The Weald of Kent and Sussex could just be the tonic. Day 1. Book yourself into The Lighthouse Bakery School in Bodiam which offers a diverse range of exciting one-day … more
We are located in the heart of Battle High Street opposite the imposing Abbey, site of the 1066 Battle of … more
Listed in: Estate Agents
Hi, when and where do you sessions for intermediate adult players?
I have a lot of crocosmia on offer. If anyone is interested in collecting it from me, let me know. … more