Below are listings for opticians in Battle and the surrounding area ...
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In Battle
01424 772 725
We’re proud to be a family-run, award-winning opticians – caring for eyes since 1957. Over the years we have gained a reputation founded on expertise combined with a kind and helpful manner. In February 2011 we moved from number 63 to 64a High Street. A much larger, brighter and more modern practice was designed and … more
Bexhill-on-Sea 5.4 miles from Battle
01424 219 543
We’re proud to be a family-run, award-winning opticians – caring for eyes since 1957. Over the years we have gained a reputation founded on expertise combined with a kind and helpful manner. We have been in Bexhill since 1968, originally in St. Leonards Road where we started testing only one day per week, we then … more
St Leonards-on-Sea 4.7 miles from Battle
01424 423 605
We’re proud to be a family-run, award-winning opticians – caring for eyes since 1957. Over the years we have gained a reputation founded on expertise combined with a kind and helpful manner. The very first practice was actually opened in Norman Road, St. Leonards. In 1982 we moved to our London Road premises followed by … more
In Battle
01424 773 487
We have established for over 25 years. We provide quality eye examinations. Our experienced practitioners are qualified to advise on all aspects of vision care.
We are located in the heart of Battle High Street opposite the imposing Abbey, site of the 1066 Battle of … more
Listed in: Estate Agents
Hi, when and where do you sessions for intermediate adult players?
I have a lot of crocosmia on offer. If anyone is interested in collecting it from me, let me know. … more