Battle in East Sussex Town Guide

Information on Burford Jeakins

I am looking for information on Burford Jeakins, born about 1808 in Battle. married Sarah Harriet Mitchell 1831 in Hollington. She died at child birth in 1840. Burford abandoned his children right after her death and came to the USA.
All 5 children were listed in the Battle Workhouse in 1841. Edward age 9, Burford age, 7, Ann age 5, Sarah age 3, and Rosa age 1.They were brought to the USA in 1842.

Burford was a carrier by trade.

If any Jeakins or relatives still living in Battle who have information on Burford or Sarah H. Mitchell, I would appericate hearing from you.

The way his surname was spelled different from JEAKINS is Jeankens, Jeakens, Jakins.

Edward Hisson was my Great Grand Father.

Thanks for any help. God Bless.

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